Our dedicated team of RICS accredited Chartered Building Surveyors are experianced in providing a wide range of property related services operating across the North East and Cumbria.
Building Surveys
As a prospective purchaser it is essential you know what you are buying into. A full building survey consists of an extensive investigation of the property and results in a comprehensive report on the property condition presented in an easily readable, clearly presented format. In addition to containing all the elements of a headline Survey it also reports on serious structural defects that may threaten the stability and safety of the structure.
Defect Diagnosis
A specific defect inspection maybe required following the application of a mortgage, where the lenders surveyor has reported a possible defect to the property. Or when a home owner requires expert advice to diagnose a building defect that causes concern i.e. dampness or cracking of the structure. This survey reports on a particular defect as opposed to the property as a whole.
Schedules of Condition
A schedule of condition is essential when signing a commercial lease as it may limit your liability for repair and maintenance of the property and prevent unnecessary costs being paid in damages for alleged breaches in covenant on expiry of the lease term.
Planned Preventative Maintenance
Building components deteriorate and wear over time and use. Planned maintenance is an asset management strategy to ensure buildings and their components function adequately, preserve the value of the building and satisfy legal obligations. BGP can advise you on the best strategy to meet the demands of your property portfolio and allow you to budget accordingly over a specified period.